Plasma Fibroblast treatment treats sagging, baggy skin on upper eyelid and lower eyelids and under and around the eye to provide the results of a non-surgical eye lift (blepharoplasty), and can also be used for reducing wrinkles, crows feet, frown lines and marionette lines, creating similar effects to that of a face lift, but without the surgery. We also can use it to get rid of moles and skin tags, dark spots and so much more.
How does Plasma Eye Lifting work?
The treatment process is based on the creation of series of minute dots adjacent to the tension lines on the skin. Using the state of matter known as Plasma, ionisation of gases from the atmosphere are triggered to create a micro-electrical discharge which sublimates excessive sagging of the upper skin layer known as the epidermis.
An increase in the production of proteins, collagen, and elastin is also stimulated and this continues over the next few weeks, reinforcing the firming and tightening created during the procedure.
This process creates an instant contraction and tightening of skin fibres to create a lifting, remodelling and rejuvenating effect and so provide the results of a non-surgical blepharoplasty but is more affordable with less down-time and without the associated risks or need for injectable anesthetic.
Plasma Fibroblast treatment is able to treat a number of imperfections without any actual cutting of the skin. It can be used for:
Eyelid Tightening, including lower eyelids and excess upper eyelid skin.
Skin imperfections, including skin tags and sunspots.
Improvement in the appearance of acne scars
Diminishing Stretch marks.
Tightening loose stomach skin after pregnancy.
Lines and wrinkles around the mouth.
Ear area
Crows feet
Remove Skin tags
Plump lips
No cutting of the skin
No injections
No stitches required
Very low-risk procedure (minimal risk)
Minimal side effects and far less downtime
Quick and easy procedure
Non-invasive treatment
No bleeding
Most patients can return to work the same day
Significant cost saving
Painless with anesthetic cream
One treatment is usually enough to achieve desired results. After 1 month, on check-up appointment, the artist determines if an additional treatment is necessary. The results are expected to last for at least 9 months.
Virtual Consultation is easy ( Therapist will go over everything) Just send CLEAR photos to our email feeltheheal@gmail.com or text us at 305-466-9268
Prices Vary depending on area- Visit our booking link for prices
For more before and after photos please visit our instagram
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Frequently asked questions
Immediately following your Plasma Fibroblast procedure, the area will appear to be darker and bolder in color and more sharply defined. This can last up to a week after the treatment while the initial healing process takes place. The treated area may feel a bit like sunburn afterwards but there should be minimal discomfort.
-During the initial healing period, there should be minimal scabbing or flaking of the skin. If there is some scabbing or flaking, do not pick, and allow the scab or dry skin to come off on its own.
-The complete healing process for Plasma Fibroblast takes about 6-8 weeks, at which time the true color of the skin is evident.
Well you can sit back, relax, and do nothing! Seriously.
We have had the best results with the “Do Nothing” healing method and it makes it easier for everyone! Do not apply any cosmetics in this area for AT LEAST 10-14 days. Just keep the area clean and let it breathe! If your skin starts to feel tight and dry around the fourth or fifth day, you may then use a SMALL amount of Egyptian Magic (provided at your appointment) IF NEEDED. If you DO need to moisturize, please do so sparingly.
That’s it!
-You may shower or bathe normally, but avoid getting any soaps, shampoos or other cleansers on the Plasma Fibroblasted area for the first five days as they can be detrimental to the bonding process that must take place for the pigment to stabilise in the dermis.
-DO NOT pick or scratch at the dry skin/flakiness; let the skin fall off naturally. Picking can cause scarring and premature loss of collagen and plasma.
-IMPORTANT: Once the flakes have fallen off, a pink layer of skin will be there after a few weeks to month it will start to go back to normal skin color
-DO NOT apply make-up to the area for the first 2 weeks. Cosmetics of any kind may interfere with the healing and color of your tattoo.
-DO NOT use Vaseline, Neosporin or other petroleum based products while healing.
-DO NOT bleach, tint or dye the area for one month following the procedure.
-DO NOT apply any anti-acne products (e.g. Benzoyl Peroxide, Salicylic Acid, Proactiv, etc.) or lightening creams (skin bleaching creams) such as hydroquinone to the treated area while healing.
-No anti-aging products or facial products containing Alpha Hydroxyls (AHAs), Retin-A, Lactic or Glycolic Acids
-Do not thread, wax, or use hair removal products on the treated area while healing.
-NO exercising and/or sweating for a few days prior to getting tattooed and for one week after.
-NO swimming pools, jacuzzis or other bodies of water for two weeks.
-Do not soak your face underwater in a bathtub or allow the shower to spray directly in your face for two weeks.
-Exposure to the sun over time can cause fading and discoloration of the skin. Once completely healed, you may apply sunscreen on the treated area. Wear large sunglasses and a hat for further protection. Rinse and dry the area thoroughly when in contact with chlorine.
-Glycolic acid, microdermabrasion, and chemical face peel products must be kept away from the area as continued use could get in the way of healing
-If you are having laser resurfacing or laser hair removal after your skin has healed, please inform the laser technician. Continue at your own discretion. Laser procedures may darken, lighten, or discolor the area.
-Once thePlasma Fibroblasted area is completely healed, any changes or additions that need to be made can be done at your follow-up appointment no sooner than 6-8 weeks later.
First, the topical anaesthetic (cream) is applied, minimizing the risk of pain and numbing the treated area. The anaesthetic takes effect 20 minutes after the application. Plasma Fibroblast itself does not last long, 20–30 minutes depending on the area. The duration of the treatment (with anaesthetic application): 60–90 minutes.
Plasma Fibroblast is a non-invasive procedure with minimal level of pain. It is virtually painless, as the treated area is numbed before the treatment. After the treatment the treated area is red (7–14 days) and some patients may experience some swelling, which may last up to 3–4 days. At the site of each spot a small crust will form. They should not be touched and you should wait for 5-10 days for them to fall off naturally. During the procedure the clients may feel some discomfort, not actual pain, depending on the treated area of the face/body.
The treatment is very safe, as it is a non-surgical procedure. It has a negligible amount of possible side effects and serious complications alike. The procedure is based on the natural stimulation of skin regeneration, so the excesses which may be seen in the world of traditional surgery are not possible.
The Plasma Fibroblast treatment takes a very short time, with stress on the aftercare, as, in case the client neglects the instructions for aftercare, the treated area may suffer from: inflammation, hyper-pigmentation, scarring.
The Plasma Fibroblast treatment is an exceptionally safe procedure with virtually no side effects or they occur very rarely. Possible side effects are inflammation, scarring or minor change in skin pigmentation, which is very rare. It is highly important for each client to follow the instructions for aftercare closely. Crusts which occur after the treatment are part of the treatment and will fall off after 5-10 days. Minor swelling after treating the area around the eyes is normal and will disappear after 3–5 days, depending on the client’s sensitivity.
The results are visible immediately after the treatment, but we have to inform the client that the maximum results will be visible after 3–4 weeks when the skin enters the third phase of the healing – collagen and connective tissue growth. So, results are visible immediately, but the end results follow after 3–4 weeks after the treatment.
It depends on the state of the clients’ skin and the desired degree of correction. The client is often satisfied after only one treatment, of course if, e.g. the wrinkles are not very deep, but due to the simplicity of the procedure and the affordable price the clients opt for two or even three treatments to achieve a perfect result. The procedure may be repeated after 4 months.
*If a follow up is necessary we will offer Feel The Heal Clients 50% off their follow up appointment
The results of the Plasma Fibroblast treatment are permanent and may be visible for years. But we should acknowledge that the aging process is continuous and thus the skin ages every day after the procedure and this cannot be stopped. The results of this method are permanent, but when we talk about mimic facial lines (worry lines) these may recur quickly because muscles are stronger than the skin and consequently the lines recur.
Clients should be in good health at the time of the appointment, with no preexisting health conditions. If the client displays signs of cold or flu the treatment should be rescheduled.
Clients skin should not be inflamed in the area we are treating prior to procedure.
Clients prone to keloid scars are not ideal candidates.
Clients with diabetes, healing disorders or lymphatic draining issues should not undergo treatment.
Clients with a sunburn/sun tan should postpone treatment.
Clients who have a history of Hyperpigmentation are not ideal candidates.
Clients must not display any tanning at the time of the treatment.
Clients must not display Herpes Simplex Virus (Cold sores/Fever blisters). You will need to reschedule your appointment if you are experiencing an outbreak. If you have experienced Herpes Simplex Virus (Cold sores/Fever blisters) in the past you must see your Medical Doctor and obtain a prescription for Valtrex and begin taking it 3 days before treatment and for 4 days following treatment. (This applies for treatments surrounding the lip area only)
Not for clients with pace makers.
Not for clients who are pregnant or breastfeeding.
This treatment is only recommended on light-medium skin tones . Anyone with a darker complexions is at risk for Hyperpigmentation. ​
Cold plasma, jet plasma, and traditional fibroblast treatments represent distinct approaches within the realm of plasma-based skincare technology. Cold plasma utilizes low temperature plasma to rejuvenate the skin, promoting collagen production and reducing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. Jet plasma, on the other hand, employs a high-velocity jet of plasma to deliver targeted energy to specific areas of the skin, enhancing its firmness and elasticity. Traditional fibroblast treatments involve the use of a handheld device to deliver controlled bursts of plasma energy to the skin's surface, stimulating cellular regeneration and tightening sagging skin. Each method offers unique benefits tailored to different skincare needs, providing patients with versatile options for achieving youthful, radiant skin.
However, it is important to understand that there is a significant difference between collagen stimulation and forced collagen production. Cold plasma only works on the superficial layer of the skin and does not cause any micro-injury. This means that it will require several different sessions to achieve substantial collagen production since most collagen is produced while the skin is healing. In contrast though, a true plasma treatment is designed to FORCE collagen production by creating a controlled micro-injury to the skin. During the healing process, there is heightened collagen and elastin production, leading to better and faster results than with cold plasma. The results of a true plasma treatment are long lasting and can last between 2-3 years
Aftercare for Plasma Fibroblast
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